Next Gen Smartwatch Specs: Achieve Your 2023 Fitness Goals in Style

Next Gen Smartwatch Specifications

Looking for a smartwatch to help you achieve your fitness goals in 2023? Look no further than the Model E Smartwatch! This cutting-edge wearable technology has advanced features, making it perfect for anyone looking to upgrade their fitness routine. 

But what are the smartwatch specifications and features we can’t stop raving about? Continue reading about this wearable device and the features you should track while buying a Model E Smartwatch and smartwatch with Bluetooth, in general.

Keeping Track: The Top Smartwatch Specifications 

SPO2 Monitoring

SPO2 is the level of oxygen saturation in your blood -- an important indicator of your overall health and well-being. Tracking SPO2 levels while working helps you understand how your body reacts to the workout and allows you to adjust. 

SPO2 monitoring is a valuable feature to have in a smartwatch. Real-time information about your blood oxygen levels can help you take proactive steps to maintain your health and well-being.

Smart Charging

Smart charging allows your wearable device to charge quickly and efficiently while protecting the battery from damage and extending its lifespan. The basic idea behind smart charging is that it maximizes overall health and longevity. 

In addition to the battery benefits, smart charging can also help reduce the time you need to spend charging your smartwatch. 

Track your Heart rate

Heart rate monitoring is a smartwatch specification that allows the wearer to track their heart rate. By providing you with real-time information about your heart rate, it can help you make informed decisions about your health and fitness. 

Monitoring heart rate also allows you to understand your body’s response to physical activity and monitor cardiovascular health.

Sleep and Steps

Sleep and step tracking are two common features found in modern smartwatches. They allow the wearer to track their physical activity and sleep patterns, providing valuable insights into their overall health and wellness. 

Sleep tracking allows you to monitor the quality and duration of your sleep. An advanced wearable device also tells you the following:

  • The time you spent in each sleep stage

  • Duration of time it took you to drift off to sleep

  • How many times have you woke up during the night

Similarly, step tracking involves monitoring the number of steps you take throughout the day. Setting goals and tracking your progress can gradually increase your physical activity level and improve your overall health and fitness.

Wide Collection of 120 Sports Modes

A wide collection of sports modes in a smartwatch is a great feature for fitness enthusiasts as it allows them to track and monitor various physical activities. 

With 120 sports modes, smartwatches can track traditional exercises like running, swimming, and cycling and other activities such as hiking, dancing, and martial arts.

Besides tracking, wearable devices can also provide accurate and detailed data about your workouts so you can track your performance and improve over time.

IP68 Water and Dust Resistant

The IP68 rating means the device is completely dust-tight and can be immersed in water up to a depth of 1.5 meters for up to 30 minutes without sustaining damage.

With IP68 water and dust resistance, you don’t have to worry about water or dust damaging your device during a workout or any other activity that involves exposure to these elements.

It is perfect for swimmers as it ensures the watch remains functional even when submerged. 

50+ Cloud Watch Faces

With 50+ cloud watch faces, users can customize the appearance of their watch faces according to their preferences. These watch faces are stored in the cloud and can be accessed and downloaded by users directly from their smartwatches.

It allows users to personalize their wearable devices and make them their own. With various watch faces, users can select a design that suits their style, mood, or activity.

Bluetooth Calling

Bluetooth calling is a feature in smartwatches that enables users to make and receive phone calls directly from their smartwatch. So no need to stop doing whatever you’re doing just to take a call when you have a smartwatch with Bluetooth.

The world of wearable technology is ever-evolving and constantly pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible. With Mivi’s Model E smartwatch, we have incorporated some of the latest smartwatch specifications that make it stand out. 

So, why not explore the capabilities of our Made in India smartwatch for yourself? Buy now and try now, and see how our Model E can help you stay on top of your game.

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